Build Muscle With Battle Ropes

Battling ropes are a great way to build upper body strength, endurance, and tone . The ropes provide specific mechanisms which allow for less wear and tear on the body.


  • Battle ropes work the concentric range of motion and not the eccentric range of motion. Therefore there is less potential for soreness and strain on the joints, tendons, and ligaments. The eccentric range of motion is where the most muscle fibers are broken down which will cause muscle soreness. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the results without all the soreness? With ropes we can.

  • Battle rope training gets you away from the dreaded treadmill. Cardio is repetitive, so by performing battle rope exercises it gets you away from the usual monotonous movements.

  • There are literally endless amounts of exercise variations you can perform. More variety equals less boredom.

  • It’s a relatively low-impact workout. Most HIIT protocols involves movements like running or jumping that can be taxing on your joints and drain your nervous system.

  • Efficient conditioning and strengthening tool. You definitely won’t need more than 5 minutes to be totally fried. Unlike other conditioning methods like jogging or cycling which may be an hour endeavor.

  • Builds grip strength

If you train at BE, chances are you are familiar with the basics of the battle ropes. Hopefully now you understand why they are one of our coaches favorite tools.

To Your Health,

Mark Radio

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